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Faculty & Staff Profile

Emma Wellman

Emma Wellman

Titles: Beginning School Principal
Degree(s): Bachelor's Degree, Linguistics, University of Michigan
Master of Science, Child Development, Erikson Institute

Emily “Emma” Wellman joined Rowland Hall in July 2018, excited to immerse herself in the community. She spent three years as the Beginning School principal before joining the Lower School team as well. Before moving to Utah, she worked for five years at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, first as a teacher and then an administrator, and was an adjunct instructor at the City Colleges of Chicago. She has also founded and run a small childcare business called Banana Mashers, also in Chicago. She has a bachelor’s degree in linguistics from the University of Michigan and an MS in child development from the Erikson Institute.

In her life outside of school, Emma loves fitness, cooking good food, reading graphic novels, learning to be a less horrible gardener, and spending time with her dog (Florence), cats (Steve and Marta), husband (Juan), and son (Elías)—especially in nature.

Read more about Emma Wellman in Fine Print, the magazine of Rowland Hall

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