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Faculty & Staff Profile

Brady Smith
Brady Smith joined Rowland Hall in 2022 as the eighth-grade English teacher. He has a strong background in literary history and literary theory, project-based learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, individualized instruction, and writing-based pedagogy. As a teacher, he enjoys the excitement and creativity that middle school students bring to school and life, and he makes the English classroom into a space where all students can bring their own forms of knowledge and expertise to the work they do every day. Before coming to Rowland Hall, he taught at Park City Day School in Park City, UT, at Avenues: The World School in New York City, and at the University of Chicago, where he also earned a PhD in English. In his free time, he enjoys cycling, fishing, and hiking with his wife, Chandani, his daughter, Aashna, and his dog, Maddy.
Read more about Brady Smith in Fine Print, the magazine of Rowland Hall