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Faculty & Staff Profile

Isabelle Buhler
Isabelle joined Rowland Hall in 1992, where she was a French teacher at the Lower School for two years. In 1999, she came back to Rowland Hall to join the Beginning School, where she has taught 2PreK, 3PreK, kindergarten, and now 4PreK. She received a bachelor's degree in physical education and a bachelor's degree in early childhood and primary education in Lyon. Isabelle has a diverse teaching background, including positions held in France, California, and Wisconsin. Isabelle and her husband are the parents of two adult children, and their son is a 2008 graduate of Rowland Hall. Isabelle is an avid walker and hiker. Dark chocolate is her favorite food.
Isabelle was the recipient of the Beginning School's 2003 Sumner Family Excellence in Teaching Award, the 2012 Cary Jones Faculty Mentor Award, and the Beginning School's 2021 Sumner Family Excellence in Teaching Award.
Read more about Isabelle Buhler in Fine Print, the magazine of Rowland Hall