Caring for the Whole Child

Health & Safety

Rowland Hall is committed to providing a safe, healthy learning environment for all students and adults. Our approach to creating and sustaining a safe school focuses on three main areas: student well-being, campus security, and training and resources.

Patrick Godfrey, Chief Information and Safety Officer

Patrick Godfrey
Chief Information and Safety Officerget to knoW Patrick 

All-School Nurseget to know Andrea

Teal Beltran
School Nurseget to know Teal

Further Reading

“To make schools safer, focus on community—not guns”
By Andre Perry, Brown Center Chalkboard

“How Schools Should Really Talk About Safety” 
By Kate Stoltzfus, ASCD Education Update

“Armored school doors, bulletproof whiteboards and secret snipers” 
By John Woodrow Cox and Steven Rich, The Washington Post

You Belong at Rowland Hall