- Sciences
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Upper School Curriculum
The pursuit of academic and personal excellence balanced with an emphasis on social and emotional wellness prepares students exceedingly well for college and for life.
The Upper School curriculum includes introductory to advanced courses in virtually every discipline. In addition to more traditional offerings, the Upper School has developed integrated pathways in mathematics, science, and history. Students are encouraged to explore widely while also looking for opportunities to go deep in areas of study that are of particular interest. Teachers value all learners, invest in teamwork, and encourage students to take risks and strive for improvement.
Learn more about our Advanced Placement, Advanced Topics, Advanced Research, and honors courses
- Sciences
- World Languages
- Visual Arts, Performing Arts, and Media Arts
- Sciences
- Mathematics
- World Languages
The Upper School Experience
Personalized Attention
Our Upper School has an average class size of 13. Every student is well-known and supported in the ways that best meet their needs.