Birds, Ecology, and Conservation at the University of Utah

Birds, Ecology, and Conservation at the University of Utah

Multiple positions
Contact: Kyle Kittelberger
At least two months, on average about 6 hours per week. (More positions with more flexible scheduling available during the school year.)

Kyle Kittelberger is studying the movement and conservation of birds around the world, such as how different movement characteristics and flying capabilities vary globally and how this may influence which species are threatened. To do this, he utilizes a database containing traits on all bird species in the world. However, this data periodically needs to be checked and proofed to reflect the most up-to-date information on birds, as this data will be used in analyses that will result in future published scientific papers. He accepts interns year-round to help him with this data proofing; additionally, when spring arrives, interns can help Kyle band birds in the field in Red Butte Canyon.
This position is best suited for someone who is interested in wildlife biology and conservation.

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