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At Rowland Hall, we believe school should be a place of joy, where each student is known, nurtured, and valued for who they are.

Maybe your child’s class is too big, making it difficult for them to get the attention they need and deserve. Or perhaps your child’s current school community isn’t the right fit—maybe they feel they don’t belong, or they’re even dealing with teasing or bullying.

It might be that your child feels behind their peers in the classroom, frustrating them and perhaps convincing them that learning isn’t fun anymore.

Rowland Hall can help overcome these obstacles so your child can thrive. It’s never too early in the school year or too late in your child’s educational journey to make a fresh start.

Discover the Rowland Hall difference.

Rowland Hall welcomes students in preschool through 12th grade to a community that prioritizes kindness and inclusion and where relationships are at the heart of the student experience. Here, we know that safe spaces and meaningful, trusting relationships are essential for learning, and we believe every child should have the chance to be known personally, challenged appropriately, and supported in ways that are unique to their learning, personality, and motivations.

Want more information? We’d love to talk to you about your child’s specific situation—reach out to a member of our admission team to start the conversation, or fill out an inquiry form and we will contact you.

Three fifth graders share with prospective students their favorite things about Rowland Hall.

When families are looking for a new school, there are lots of areas to consider. What’s the community like? Is it easy to make friends? How do the students feel about their teachers?

While parents and caregivers often lead the way when it comes to a school search, kids also have a say in school choice, which is why three fifth-grade interns decide to create a resource just for them.

Nicky C., Kyeran G., and Nora S. are three of the 50 interns participating in this year’s 5-I Fifth-Grade Internship Program. These three students, assigned to the school’s marketing and communications team, expressed interest in writing opportunities. So when they were asked if they wanted to create a blog post that would help Lower School–aged kids and their families as they navigated the admission process, they jumped at the chance.

When the interns were asked if they wanted to create a blog post that would help Lower School–aged kids and their families as they navigated the admission process, they jumped at the chance.

To kick off the project, the group first brainstormed the things they think make Rowland Hall special. All three have attended the school for years (Nicky started in kindergarten, Kyeran in 4PreK, and Nora in 3PreK), so they have firsthand knowledge of the Lower School experience. The kids then narrowed their list down to the areas they thought prospective students would be most interested in, like making friends, recess, and activities. Each wrote a first draft on a handful of topics, then combined their contributions in a single post, which they edited together.

“I thought it was awesome,” said Nicky about the writing process. Kyeran agreed, noting, “It was really cool to collaborate and share our ideas.”

The group also enjoyed the chance to learn more about writing for a specific audience, self-editing, and the best ways to structure a post for search engine optimization (which is important so that even more people can find your school). They said they enjoyed the entire experience.

“It’s fun that it was step by step, not a rushed process,” said Nora. “It was something to look forward to.”

And with their first project under their belts, the marketing interns are excited for a new challenge. This week, they began thinking about what they can share with the community next.

Read the students’ blog post, “7 Reasons to Choose Rowland Hall, as Shared by Three Fifth Graders,” now available on the admission page. (And be sure to share it with anyone you know who’s considering Rowland Hall.)

Student Voices

Rowland Hall's three student Convocation speakers, August 2024.

Each August, Rowland Hall holds Convocation, a traditional gathering that brings our community together to connect, learn, and celebrate the start of a new school year.

This year’s event, held the morning of Friday, August 23, centered around Rowland Hall’s 2024–2025 theme, Joy. In the words of professor and author Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, joy is “the embodiment of, learning of, and practice of love of self and humanity, and care for and help for humanity and the earth. Joy encompasses happiness/smiles, truth, beauty, aesthetics, art, wonder, personal fulfillment, and solutions to the social problems of the world.”

Joy encompasses happiness/smiles, truth, beauty, aesthetics, art, wonder, personal fulfillment, and solutions to the social problems of the world.—Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, professor and author

Convocation has long included speeches by the student body president and a member of the alumni community, but for the first time this year, the annual event also included speakers from the fifth and eighth grades.

“It was important to us to include fifth and eighth graders so that all of the students in attendance, from the Lower School to the Upper School, saw themselves represented in the program,” said Dr. Chandani Patel, director of equity and inclusion. “As our theme is Joy, we thought it made sense for peers to welcome everyone back to school and talk about how they relate to this theme.”

This year’s Convocation speakers included fifth grader Kyeran G., eighth grader Shea G., 12th grader Gemma Ciriello, and alumna Elizabeth Izampuye ’17. Each reflected on what joy means to them and the many forms joy can take, and asked those gathered to look for joy in their own lives and work to create joy for others. Their beautiful words inspired Convocation attendees and illustrated why Rowland Hall prioritizes amplifying student voices.

“Our strategic priorities guide us to be more student-centered in all that we do here at school, and sometimes grown-ups need to step out of the way to let the kids do their thing and shine,” said Dr. Patel.

We invite you to enjoy this year’s Convocation speeches by watching the video below, or click to read the speeches.

Student Voices

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