All Stories

Process of making a documentary
Azh Hamilton

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to make a documentary? Here's my experience on the film and music interim.

How interim broadens social horizons
Kavitha Kasturi

Through adventures, transportation, and the sheer amount of time spent together, interim is a great way to get to know peers that you wouldn’t normally get to talk to.

The overall experience of interim
Sadie Datoo

We sent out a form to students to get their opinions on interim and what they wanted to see in the future, and we detail the results here.

The importance of balance
Kunga Kabsang

This story will explain how the Sustainability & Self Care interim focused on finding ways to become more sustainable and care for the world! 

The art of Collage
Sadie Datoo

This year’s Collage performance combined orchestra, dance, poetry, and narration to create a wonderful show themed around Einstein’s Dreams.

Is it worth it?
Kunga Kabsang

In this story, I'll weigh the pros and cons for Minute-to-Win-It and planned Battle of the Classes games.

Is 9th & 9th a scam?
Theo Billings

I compared some 9th & 9th restaurants to their counterparts to see if 9th & 9th is overpriced.

The neuroscientific power of storytelling
Sophie Baker

At this point, we’ve all heard the cliché “the power of storytelling.” In this article, I’ll present a definitive neurological basis for this otherwise vague claim.